Demonstrating the key advantages of a pharmaceutical product to payers
After a drug is included into the reimbursement list, the payer usually starts purchasing it in significant quantities. Despite this, few pharmaceutical products can boast full market access for all indications, particularly when their use is associated with substantial additional costs. In such circumstances, it is essential to demonstrate the drug's key advantages to payers.
Arguments about the clinical efficacy and safety of the proposed drug, as well as the results of cost effectiveness and budget impact analysis, are typically used for this purpose. However, the cost of an additional QALY is not clear or relevant to most payers, and the results of budget impact analysis help promoting the drug significantly, only if it allows cost reduction.
Results of the evaluation of the contribution of innovative antineoplastic drugs to achieving the goal of the Federal cancer control project (cancer mortality) in Russian regions
For cases where a new drug entails significant additional costs for the payer, we have developed a novel analytical method that combines cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis. Within this approach, in addition to assessing changes in costs, there is an evaluation of the impact of the drug on the payer's critical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This is particularly relevant in the context of various specialized programs in oncology, cardiology, infectious diseases, and others, which have clearly defined goals (such as mortality from specific causes, life expectancy at birth or number of cardiovascular events) and a specific budget allocated to achieve them.
Our team has successfully applied this methodology to evaluate a range of drugs used in 10 different clinical situations in oncology. The results of such evaluations are consistently in demand among payers, enabling our clients to improve patient coverage with modern therapy.
Our team is open to new projects for promoting drugs with the described method. If your company needs to highlight the strengths of an expensive product and increase its access to patients, contact us and we will make every effort to address your challenges!